Contact details

Nigel Vaughan
Managing Director

m 07702 285444

Wootton Acre
Wilverley Road
Hants BH25 5TX
t 01425 621311

Linkedin Profile

Vaughan Management Solutions Limited
Registered address:
237 Commercial Road, Poole, Dorset BH14 0HU
Registered in England: 4833568

Success Stories

Krohne Limited - Dramatic performance improvement

Good technology but absence of strategy & best practice led to severe performance problems.

Devise and implement market driven strategy.
Drive best practice into all areas, focus initially product development and materials management.
Follow-up with continuous improvement to all functions.

New products that excited the market, yielding >100% sales growth at improved margins.
On-time delivery much improved, all operational issues addressed, significant profit growth.

Sifam Limited - very significant shareholder value creation

Severe decline in sales, no new products or strategy.
Low morale and high losses.
Apparently no way forward.

Initially, improve the basics, such as international selling and manufacturing activities.
In parallel, identify growth opportunities and define strategy.
Develop team and then follow through with implementation.

Decline and losses turned into growth and profit.
Acquisitions and organic growth led to Group structure.
Key technology exploited.
Exit strategy devised, achieving very significant yield for shareholders.

Racal Recorders Limited – building a highly profitable, global business

Stagnation and no strategy, but good product reputation.

Aggressively pursued new markets, both by application and geographic.
Defined strategy to position business ahead of competition.
Ensured that new products were market driven, but also optimised technologically.

Dramatic growth in market share, profitability and sales.
Strong international brand position developed in new and existing markets.
New products and technology moving forward faster than the competition.

Vaughan Management Solutions Limited. Significant company turnaround, acquisition and change management skills,developed over 20 years at Board level.Hands-on experience in all disciplines and team development allows rapid contribution to new and complex situations, plus ability to deliver results on time and to budget.

Acquisition & Divestment
Business Growth
Company Turnarounds
Operational Optimisation
Investor & shareholder relationships